Technical University Darmstadt (DE)
We collaborate with the research laboratories of Prof. Gerd Buntkowsky and Prof. Torsten Gutmann on in situ NMR application experiments and hardware development. Edina Šić is an application specialist/consultant with ePROBE on in situ NMR.
University of Cambridge (UK)
We collaborate with the laboratory of Prof. Dame Clare P. Grey on in situ NMR probes and technologies. Dr. Marie Juramy and Dr. Jana B. Fritzke in Cambridge are scientific consultants to ePROBE on in situ NMR and DNP NMR in energy storage materials research.
Columbia University (USA)
We collaborate with Prof. Lauren E. Marbella on in situ NMR probe technologies applied to coin cells and new in situ NMR hardware experiments.
Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
We collaborate with Prof. Evan W. Zhao on flow cell technologies for in situ NMR applications.
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